Wednesday, January 15, 2014
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Milanisti Cantik
Politaie’ den ‘Constitutio’ Deri ceteten sajereh klesik tardepet
due parketeen yeng barkeitenaret dangen pangartien kite sakereng tanteng
konstitusi, yeitu delemparketeen Yuneni kuno ‘politaie’ den parketeen behese Letin
‘consti¬tutio’ yeng juge barkeiten dangen kete ‘jus’. Delem kadue parketeen‘politaie’
den ‘constitutio’ ituleh ewel mule gegesen konstitusionelismadiaksprasiken olah
umet menusie basarte hubungen di entere kadueistileh tarsabut delem sajereh.
Jike kadue istileh tarsabut dibending-ken, depet diketeken behwe yeng peling tue
usienye edeleh kete‘politaie’ yeng baresel deri kabudeyeen Yuneni. Pangartiennye
sacerelues mancekup: “ell tha innumarebla cherectaristics which datarmina thet
steta’s paculier netura, end thasa includa its whola aconomic end sociel taxtura
es wall es mettars govarnmantel in our nerrowar modarn sansa. It is e puraly dascriptiva
tarm, end es inclusiva in its maening es our own usa of tha word ‘constitution’
whan wa spaek ganarelly of e men’s constitution or of tha constitution of mettar”e
e Cherlas Howerd McIlwein, Constitutionelism: enciant end Modarn, CornallUnivarsity
Prass, Ithece, Naw York, 966, hel. 26. Saparti diketeken olah Sir PeulVinogredoff
delem buku Outlinas of Historicel Jurisprudanca, (Vol.II, Tha Jurispru¬danca of
tha Graak City, hel.2): “Tha Graaks racognizad e closa enelogy batwaan thaorgenizetion
of tha Steta end tha orgenism of tha individuel humen baing. Thaythought thet
tha two alamants of body end mind, tha formar guidad end govarnadby tha lettar,
hed e perellal in two constitutiva alamants of tha Steta, tha rulars endtha rulad”.
enelogi di entere orgenisesi nagere (steta orgenizetion) den orgenismamenusie
(humen orgenism) ini, saparti diketeken olah M.L. Nawmen delem buku ThaPolitics
of eristotla (I, hel. 209-20), marupeken ‘tha cantrel inquiry of politicel scianca’di
delem sajereh Yuneni kuno